Thursday, 14 April 2011

The latest unemployment figures show that joblessness amongst young people has reached 974,000 across the UK.

974,000 young people out of work, that's a huge number of people.

Doesn't it make you wonder how much talent is out there, who could be the next "Lord Sugar" or "Sir Richard Branson" or have an idea, but due to today's economic and opportunity climate are simply stuck.

I think we should all have a social responsibility to invest in people, especially towards our future generation; just imagine if just 10% of this jobless figure had the help of a successful mentor - sharing knowledge and sponsoring tools and contacts which would assist them in achieving their aspirations...from your own business perspective what could be the impact - how would others perceive you in taking this initiative? What rewards could be achieved by being a Mentor / Coach to a fledging?

Look at this discussion from a different perspective;

As a parent, I teach my children "right from wrong", I give advice on matters that are of their concern. I instruct my children to take a course of action. I give them rewards for achieving goals; I inspire them via my knowledge. I give them what I feel are the essentials to prosper and grow into successful individuals! And from these actions, I hope they will invest the same amount of effort towards their friends and (in time) their own children.

The reward is making an individual "successful", realising their aspirations and dreams. The value is priceless.

The future doesn't need to be bleak, we at are now engaging with organisations in New Zealand - co-developing an innovative program which is steered towards giving "Young People" in the UK the tools and knowledge in furthering their involvement within the Labour Market.

We understand Young People have potential, but due to current conditions (economically) the opportunities have in essence dissolved; I recall things being a lot different in the 80's and 90's. In terms of support and resources during the boom times.

As seasoned professionals, successful business people, we can ill afford to stand back and let our Young People stagnate. We must give them inspiration and lead them to fulfil their own dreams and aspirations.

If you would like to learn more or would like to become a facilitator of this program, please register your interest below.

Thank you for your time.

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